Yang Zheng (郑旸)

Ph.D. Candidate
Computer Science Department
Stanford University
Email: yzheng18@stanford.edu
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I am a third-year CS Ph.D. student at Stanford University, advised by Prof. Leonidas Guibas and Prof. Gordon Wetzstein. I also had the pleasure to work with Prof. Jiajun Wu in my first-year rotation. I got my bachelor's degree from the Department of Automation, Tsinghua University, where I was fortunate to be advised by Prof. Yebin Liu.
My research interest lies in Computer Vision and Computer Graphics, such as neural rendering, 3D reconstruction, physics simulation, and more.


Publications and Manuscripts


PhysAvatar: Learning the Physics of Dressed 3D Avatars from Visual Observations
Yang Zheng*, Qingqing Zhao*, Guandao Yang, Wang Yifan, Donglai Xiang, Florian Dubost, Dmitry Lagun, Thabo Beeler, Federico Tombari, Leonidas J. Guibas, Gordon Wetzstein
ECCV 2024
Arxiv | Project | Code


Inferring Hybrid Neural Fluid Fields from Videos
Hong-Xing Yu*, Yang Zheng*, Yuan Gao, Yitong Deng, Bo Zhu, Jiajun Wu
NeurIPS 2023
Paper | Project | Code


PointOdyssey: A Large-Scale Synthetic Dataset for Long-Term Point Tracking
Yang Zheng, Adam W. Harley, Bokui Shen, Gordon Wetzstein, Leonidas J. Guibas
ICCV 2023, Oral
Paper | Project | Code


GIMO: Gaze-Informed Human Motion Prediction in Context
Yang Zheng, Yanchao Yang, Kaichun Mo, Jiaman Li, Tao Yu, Yebin Liu, Karen Liu, Leonidas J. Guibas
ECCV 2022
Paper | Project | Code


6D Camera Relocalization in Visually Ambiguous Extreme Environments
Yang Zheng, Fei Xia, Tolga Birdal, Yanchao Yang, Yueqi Duan, Leonidas J. Guibas


DeepMultiCap: Performance Capture of Multiple Characters Using Sparse Multiview Cameras
Yang Zheng*, Ruizhi Shao*, Yuxiang Zhang, Tao Yu, Zerong Zheng, Qionghai Dai, Yebin Liu (* equal contribution)
ICCV 2021
Paper | Project | Code | Dataset

Honors and Awards


I love sports. I enjoy playing basketball🏀, soccer⚽, badminton🏸, etc. I like body building, running, hiking, ...

I am also a lover of movies and anime. Some of my favorites: Pirates of the Caribbean, La leggenda del pianista sull'oceano, Attack on Titan, Your Name, Clannad, Steins;Gate 0.

I am open to engaging in any discussions about life, films, research, and more. Don't hesitate to get in touch!